Filed under: Videos, The Urly Show, Exclusives
This week, Eliot, Kelly, and Cole were joined by writer and provocateur Marty Beckerman, while Urlbot Chris Menning made a stellar in-studio debut, as well.Skyping in for the weekly tl;dr quiz was Lauren, a peppy Urlesque fan from our friends to the north, Canada (specifically Toronto).
This week's show focused on a larger conversation about an experiment Chris executed for Urlesque, in which he used Google Insights to find our which public figures are "bigger than Jesus" on the internet. And you may be surprised by the answers (and, in fact, you may very well not, either).
Watch, download and subscribe to this week's episode below.
Language NSFW!
Links for what we talked about this week:
From our tl;dr quiz:- Zach Galifianakis toked up on Bill Maher's TV show (or did he?)
- Katy Perry's "Teenage Dream" became a "teenage meme"
- Sports reporter Dewy Scruggs smelled weed and didn't keep it a secret on the local news in Dallas
- Shaquille O'Neal spent Halloween as "Shaqueeta," sending his Q factor through the roof
- A nerd at Blizzcon PWNED developers of World of Warcraft, immediately becoming an online smash
- Asked Urlesque, who's bigger than Jesus on the internet? (AWESOME CHART ALERT!)
- Visit tl;dr contest Lauren's website, Lauren Out Loud
- Visit Urly Show guest Marty Beckerman's BRAND NEW website (and note the NSFW videos)
We love your feedback! E-mail us at, Tweet us at @Urlesque or shout out on our Facebook page.
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