Filed under: Videos, The Urly Show, Exclusives
The estrogen was pumping in our studio this week, when Kelly, Eliot, and Cole were joined by Jennifer Wright of The Gloss and (former Urlbot) Drew Grant of Crushable.Joining us for tl;dr quiz was Hannah, a student from Tallahassee, loyal Urlesque follower, and wearer of awesome tee-shirts.
And in A Word From Our Spammers, we presented an excerpt from a SPAM bomb straight from our inbox that was essentially a teary-eyed novella, peppered with subversive messages about sneakers. It's. The. Best.
In this week's FW:FW:FW: segment, Cole schooled us on one of the happiest stories the internet has provided since, well, maybe ever? 4chan, the notorious online gathering place for pranksters and do-no-gooders, surprised everyone when they made the 90th birthday of Mr. William Lashua, a World War II vet, an international call for celebration. What began as a simple flyer asking for guests to attend Lashua's birthday at the Ashburnham American Legion in Massachusetts turned into a full-fledged party, all thanks to the efforts of 4chan's /b/tards and, subsequently, Reddit users. Dude received birthday cards by the truckload! Listen, maybe weep, and get inspired. If the story of William Lashua is any indication, life begins at 90 (and the internet isn't such a nasty place after all)!
Watch, download and subscribe to this week's episode below.
Links for what we talked about this week:
- Shug the therapy dog wears a camera on his head (aww!)
- Snoop Dogg vs. Cyber Crime (whatever
- 9/2/10 -- Happy '90210 Day'!
- Double Rainbow Guy shills for Microsoft now (and we're cool with that)
- "Crazy Coffee Lady" has little knees, might wear a strand yarn in her hair, definitely lives in a box
- Follow tl;dr contestant Hannah's Tumblr!
- FW: FW: FW: Grab your tissues: it's the story of William Lashua, WWII vet and Internet fave
- Read Jennifer's posts at The Gloss and Drew's posts at Crushable
- We love your feedback!!! E-mail us at, Tweet us at @Urlesque, shout out on our Facebook page, or leave us a telephone message at 31-URLYSHOW!
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Tl;dr quiz segment theme music courtesy of Sean Murgatroyd. Thanks, Sean!
If you have tips or ideas for future shows, send them to us at!